New Delhi: Delhi Police have deployed drone cameras to monitor Old Delhi’s Jama Masjid and tightened security on the occasion of Shab-e-Barat and Holika Dahan. Shab-e-Barat and Holika Dahan are being celebrated with great fanfare across India.
Delhi Police had made elaborate security arrangements near Jama Masjid when both festivals are celebrated together. An official said that Delhi police has deployed a large number of companies and the area is being monitored through drone cameras.
DCP Sanjay Kumar Sen of Central District is monitoring the area along with senior officers and is visiting the area to take stock of the security arrangements, officials said.
“The way both the festivals are together, people looked worried but nothing to worry about, it’s time to celebrate the festival. Delhi Police is fully prepared. Our local police unit is engaged. Five companies have been called from outside. And a lady company employee is deployed, ” DCP Central Delhi said.
The Delhi Police will take strict action against the people who are caught creating ruckus or doing wrong things on the occasion of Shab-e-Barat and Holika Dahan, the official said.