Mathura (Uttar Pradesh): Mathura’s iconic celebration of the festival of Holi has begun with the devotees celebrating the festival at Guru Sharanand Ashram in Raman Reti of Gokul in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura.
The 40-day long celebrations began with the devotes celebrating the festival with Abir Gulal, flower petals and sweet laddoos.
“We come here every year from Delhi to celebrate Holi. From lath marr holi to pholo (flowers) ki holi, everything is celebrated here,” said a devotee.
As a tradition in Raman Reti, preachers and devotees celebrate Holi with a man dressed in the attire of Lord Krishna.
“Celebrating Holi with Thakurji (God) here in Raman Reti on this auspicious occasion is luck for everyone present here,” said a saint.