The Karnataka hijab row has spread to many cities and states and have sparked protests in Delhi, Aligarh, Hyderabad and Vijaywada. In many cases police has had to be called in.
Earlier, a full bench of Karnataka High court ruled in the interim order applicable to all institutions, “All students, regardless of religion and faith are restrained from wearing saffron shawls (bhagwa), scarves, hijabs, religious flags within the classroom.”
It further stated, “Ours in a country of plural cultures, religion and languages… being a secular state, it does not identify itself with any religion of its own. Every citizen has a right to profess and practice any faith of choice. However, such a right, not being absolute, is susceptible to reasonable restrictions as provided by the constitution. Whether wearing of Hijab in the classroom is a part of essential religious practice in Islam in the light of constitutional guarantees needs deeper examination”, Observed the Bench.
The court added, “Endless agitations and closure of educational institutions indefinitely are not happy things to happen. The hearing on these matters on a n urgent basis is continuing. prolonging academic terms could be detrimental to the educational careers of students, especially when timelines for admission to higher studies/courses are mandatory. The interest of the students would be better served by returning to classes than bu continuation of agitations and consequent closure of institutions.”
On Friday evening, Paramilitary forces and the police went on rounds in three towns in Karnataka as tensions simmer amid the row over Muslim students’ demand for wearing hijab on college campus and classrooms. The police went on flag marches in Udupi, Chitradurga and Doddaballapura.
The flag march to maintain law and order comes a day after the Karnataka High Court said it would resume hearing a petition challenging the hijab restrictions on Monday.
Earlier on Friday, Supreme court refuses urgent hearing on Hijab row. Says it is watching what is happening in Karnataka and in the hearing before the High Court. Supreme Court asks lawyers to not make it a national-level issue and it will interfere at an appropriate time.
Students of Karnataka has decided to move to Supreme Court as the Karnataka High court temporarily restrain them from wearing Hija on campus. The move was followed by Karnataka HC which asked students to co-operate till the matter is subjudice.
On Thursday, the high court asked the students to ‘not’ wear religious clothing in schools and colleges to maintain peace and tranquillity until the matter is still pending in front of the court. As the high court wants to finish the matter as soon as possible.
However, Hijab-wearing students are not satisfied with this temporary restriction on their religious practice. The lawyer representing the case of minority students said, “We are told to choose between food and water and both are essential.” (Reported by HT)
In the petition in front of the Supreme Court, they mentioned that ‘Karnataka high court order that schools and colleges can reopen but students will not be allowed to wear religious dresses violates the Article 14, 15, 19, 21, and 25 of the Indian Constitution.’
Meanwhile, youth Congress president BV Srinivas also filed a fresh appeal in Supreme Court regarding the Hijab row.
Congress Sr advocate Kapil Sibal appealed to Chief justice N.V Ramana to transfer the case to Supreme Court, on which Chief Justice assured him that they will consider the transfer move.