On Thursday, Sony pictures released the first teaser of India’s most beloved Superhero “Shaktiman.” In collaboration with Brewing Thoughts Private Limited and Mukesh Khanna’s Bheeshm International, Sony Pictures has acquired the film adaptation rights for the character. This film project will be a ‘Trilogy’ saga of Shaktiman and his adventures.
Sony Pictures in their tweet also mentioned, “We are excited to join hands with Brewing Thoughts Private Limited, and Mukesh Khanna’s Bheeshm International. Get ready for #ShaktimaanMovie; more details coming soon.”
Desi superhero Shaktiman aired first on Indian television in 1997. The story revolved around a dimwit Gangadhar who was a journalist by the day and a superhero by night. Fighting crimes, saving the city from the wrath of Dr. Jackol and Tarajkilvish, these were the names that every 90s kid would remember even now. 450 episodes long serial ran for almost 8 years on Indian Television.
Details regarding who is going to play what role or other details of production and cast are yet to be disclosed, but the makers have assured the fans that it would be “bigger than Ra. One and Krrish.”